Friday, August 17, 2007
“The Most Challenging Thing I Have Ever Accomplished”

I discovered the joys of playing basketball at a young age. I was a boyish little girl playing basketball with the guys of my age. Every time I played this sport, I realized that there was nothing like it. I enjoy every minute on the hard court and the pleasure of making a basket. Unfortunately, a lot of people still don’t think that it’s proper for girls to play an aggressive sport such as basketball. If anyone would advise me against it, I’d have to ignore them. I already knew the thing that really makes me happy, this is my passion-no one can take that away from me.
When I entered high school, I promised myself I would try new things and devote myself to something I love. I joined every competition related to basketball and fortunately winning almost all of it.

During my fourth year in high school, the moment that I’ve been waiting for finally came. The sports club finally included the basketball for girls as one of the events in the intramurals. I was very ecstatic after I heard about that and joined the girls team immediately. Two weeks before the intramurals, I suffered from dengue and acute pneumonia and have to be absent for almost 1 week. After my teammates knew what had happened to me, they removed me from the team and immediately looked for a replacement. But that didn’t stop me, I secretly joined the team and played for the team. My sacrifices paid off, I was part of the mythical five and became the MVP. For me, that was the most challenging I have ever done. Even when things get tough, I always try to enjoy and make the most of what I am doing.

spoke at : 5:10 AM



friend friend


August 2007


Brushes: H-G
Designer: I

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